Stern Curser (Pink)

Montag, 26. August 2013

~♫♪♬ Meet With Friends & New Hair Colour ♬♪♫~

Hey cuties ~
Last wednesday I met two of my friends in Hanover, Julia & Robin. I missed it so much to go to the city for just having fun or met someone.
Anyway, First of all, I passed my f*cking (fake) exams at this super horrible place I was. And the sunday before, I wanted to dye my hair agian. But this time, a way darker, juicy as my usual pink. It should be more like purple~syrup.
It comes out a way darker as I have expected, but I really like it. I made a comparision photo, let's have a look:

My outfit from wednesday:

I really missed wearing my self made T-Shirt dress♥ So comfy~

I was a way earlier there because I wanted some time for my own. So I sat down on Starbucks, drunk a coffee & a Refresha while I was writing to one of my lovely penpals♥
After about two hours, my friends arrived and  we talked about my awkward weirdo 'academy' and the summer.
My dearest Julia was in Poland, and gave me a souvinier:

A lovely cup with hand painted pansies♥
Thank you~ Even my mum likes it^___^

I have givin her some MeltyWish stuff, and she had brought my stuff from our Shoppingholics group order♥
It's a while ago, but we wasn't able to meet us before ;^;
Here it is:

Actually I have only bought one pair of lenses and the lashes. But they gave us so many gifts, even a pair of free GEO lenses!!!
•Toyoepin Lashes
•Osmei Magic Eye Mask
•Frog Lenscase
•Vassen Color Lenses in black
•GEO X tra WT-B81


I tried out simple black lenses who fade into my green eyes and I really like it, so I need new ones and choose these~
Diametre is 0.15


It's a while ago where I own a pair of purple lenses, and they were smaller than these and with an golden inner, not black as these.
But I will try them out and since my old purple lenses suit me perfectly, I give them a chance.
Diametre: 0.15

After we all had a coffee and talked enough, I have send my letter out and we went to COMIX .... and I couldn't resist anymore to buy the Summer GLB.... no regrets because stunning photos, tutorials and the best: IMAI KIRA stickers *____*
I love her art so, so bad. She's one of the greatest illustrators for me♥


One more Imai♥
It's from an comparision part of it, where you can see illustrations and the real outfit.
This makes clear: I really, really need to buy her newest artbook ;;;^;;;

Thanks for reading♥ I hope I will see u soon~

P.S.: I noticed that my blog had 1 year anniversary yesterday *yaay* at my Twitter and Facebook I posted that I want to celebrate it a bit. So~~~~ I asked for a giveaway, and I got so many 'yes please' 'you must do that' comments back~ I'm planning what I will put in it for you now ^__~


4 Kommentare:

  1. Deine Haare sind toll geworden und dein Kleid finde ich total schön. *__*

    Have you noticed my giveaway??

    1. Danke & danke noch mals♥
      Irgendwie fühle ich mich auch gerade total so, als wäre ich ein Lila Taro Mochi XD

      Hab deinen Blog & Giveaway überflogen~ Vielleicht nehme ich noch teil^__^

  2. Deine Haare sehen absolut klasse aus *^*
    und dein Outfit auch :)
    Aww die Bible sieht ja stark aus. hab ewig keine mehr geholt...
    Ich liebe Imai Kira auuuuch :3

    1. Vielen Dank♥
      Ich hole mir die Bible auch nicht oft. Aber wenn sie wirklich gut ist, dann gebe ich auch gern das Geld dafür aus. Dieses mal war ich aber auch einfach zu oft im COMIX um sie vollends zu ignorieren XD Davon mal abgesehen das die Ausgabe inkl. Schnitte & Tutorials gut sind *^*

      Imai ist so inspirierend... und dolly, obwohl alles noch irgendwie klassisch oder auch shabby ist. Einfach eine super Mischung~

      Folge deinem Blog jetzt auch, hab ein paar Posts überflogen, und mir gefällts~
