To be honest, I have bought a lot of japanese stuff this year, and I need to make many postos with all the stuff I own now. I think it's pretty much and well, I can't stop. Japanese fashion is so unique, rich of details and very, very good quality.
And there is one thing, I know how to use, and that's really bad for my wallet *haha* It's Closet Child of course! The second hand shop in japan. The prices are very good, and the quality and description is also great. The only bad thing: You have to wait for the payment for sometimes around a week. But that's worth it♥
Well, I made two orders. One with clothing and accessories, one only with accessories, because they were selling my dream pieces from AP's jewelry.
Here we go:
As you maybe know: I really love this brand, I own now 3 jackets including this baby, and a long arm shirt. This kind of jackets are the best I know, design, fabric, details, length etc. DEORART is actually one of the brands who are underestimated. I already own a similar jacket with an purple embriodery on the back and fake fur on the cape, and wear it nearly the whole year long!
The only thing what's missing at this jacket is the fur on the cape, but I can change the fur from my other one.
I got this baby for 2500Yen.
The price of my similiar jacket was about 150€
My very first EXCENTRIQUE item, and I really like the quality and the design. Sadly, because of my big bust I need to custumize it a little, but I think this bolero is also pretty for usual outfits. This brand is normaly a Lolita brand and I think I like it, it's a mix of girly, classy and gothic.
I paid around 1100Yen for it, what's ridiculus cheap. The original prices are around 8000Yen for things like this.
It's a greyish white with black tiny polka dots and a black hemline. I really like polka dots, they are girly and cute and you can create many outfits with it♥
Let's come to the accessories, I bought lot's of chocomint stuff, and some lolita brand items.
I think every j fashion girl, should own a pretty black basic bow, I own one, but I don't really like it that much as I should, and so, I thought this cutie by chocomint would be great!
The black dots are even glittering a little♥
You can currently get it in pink x black
for 630Yen
These mini clips are very comfy, I own a similar pair in black with white dots and wear it so often.
You can get them for 189Yen each.
Well, you see, the glittering Tokimeki beangle is gaint and by Angelic Pretty, and the blue polka dot beangle is by Baby The Stars Shine Bright.
Now you can get the Btssb beangle in pink at the shop.
Tokimeki: about 2000Yen
Polka Dot: 1500Yen
The original prices are only a way more, but this is just better than the usual prices.
This is my dream design from AP, designed with AMO, and so, so cute. The re-sell prices from other Lolitas on egl are ridiculus high, around 70$ and more only for the beangle!
I'm so happy to get these for less than the original price. I never thought that I would own them one day.
You can still get the pink and blue beangle on CC.
I already bought the pink one at Neo Tokyo and I was surprised that the original price is around the half of the price Neo wants for it.
I love the shimmery-glittery colours and the dangling beads and acrylic crystals.
Very great for OTT Sweet or Fairy kei.
You can still get them in pink & lavender at CC for 680Yen each.
I really, really LOVE these candy clips, and add them a lot of times with my Lolita coords and more. I own one mint clip, and the pink ring and necklace. You can still get them in pink, lavender & mint at CC for 420Yen each.
The mint colour of this pretty bow is really wonderful, I love it. There are many different shades of mint, to find a pretty and matching one is very difficult.
I own this bow in lavender and love it too.
You can get this baby in mint, white, lavender & pink on CC for 380Yen each.
This pretty baby is a very great accessory, I like to use as much as I can. I already own it in the blue LOVE ME colorway.
And you can also get it in the yellow KISS ME colorway.
The back is very soft and fluffy and the at the back of the smaller ME heart is a little bow in the middle.
Price: 680Yen each.
This is it, the cute purchases I really love to use. I think there aren't many chocomint items I still want, only a few are missing in my accessory wishlist. Chocomint is currently my favourite accessory brand from japan, it's cute, cheap and the quality is also good. It's just all I want :3
I wish you a wonderful sunday♥
Wow... so viele schöne Sachen. Ich will auch endlich mal verstehen wie das bei Closet Child geht. Kannst du mir evtl. sagen wie das mit der Bestellung klappt. Als ich das letzte Mal geschaut habe gabs die Bestellformulare nur auf Japanisch und das hat mir nicht viel gebracht.
AntwortenLöschenAlso, gehe am besten mit Firefox auf Closet Child, und bleibe so lange auf einer Seite, bis sie das Google Translator Popup, dass unter der Adressleiste erscheint, dann einfach auf Deutsch schalten & schon kann man ohne Probleme alles in den Warenkorb schmeißen etc.
LöschenDann wenn du zum Checkout willst, einfach als Gast Kunden eintragen, man brauch sich keinen Account einrichten. Da bin ich nämlich auch aufgeschmissen.
Am besten Bezahlung per Paypal angeben, dann wird dir eine Bestellbestätigung und du musst warten (manchmal sogar eine Woche)bis sie dir eine Zahlungsaufforderung per Paypal schicken, einfach zahlen wie gewohnt, und am nächsten Tag wird es rausgeschickt^__~