Stern Curser (Pink)

Freitag, 7. Dezember 2012

~♡Lolita Blog Carnival: Your Lolita Inspiration♡~

Hello my dears,
I know it's a long time ago that I have wrote an entry, but well, life is going on and it's totally busy these days (weeks). I'm sorry for everyone who's waiting for news. Just follow my Twitter and you're still updated.
So, this week's topic is the inspiration. I need a lot of this every single day, of course the most of you knowing that I'm an growing up artist and I find inspiration even in the daylight, it's just have to be emotion.
My inspiration for Lolita is a difficult thing.
At first I'll show you the girls, who're inspiring me the most for this. There is at first:


She's a super pretty one. I think I'm still like that she is herself. Wearing no wigs and one of the seldom Lolita's with simple straight hair. I really like my own naturally straight hair, one reason why I don't like to curl or style it like hell. Just colour and cut it, that's all.
And what a surprise, she can wear everything she want with this simple hairstyle and she's looking cute and elegant. This is the best I think. It's the pure style of herself. Don't need a group of stylists to create a barbie doll.
My second cutie is:

The official model from my favourite Lolita brand Angelic Pretty. I really like her makeup and also her straight hair. She's super pretty. My favourite on her are vertical stripes or classic alice things. The dresses and coords she's mostly wearing are also a kind of my own taste. 
My third from my top three is:

Photos are from the Blog ParfaitDoll

I can't really help myself, but I really, really like her. She's super beautiful, and really really kind. I've once chatted with her shortly and I was pretty happy about it, it was fun and she's so cute like her photos and blogentries.
Her style is wonderful. I like her in everything she's wearing and sharing. My favourites are these two photosets atm. In a kind of creepy cute and this Winter Sweet Lolita awesome pastel lavender AP coat. 

Other things who inspiring me are my monthly KREA. My favourite japanese fashion magazine.
Well, this is not the current exemplar but a photo I've took and a cover I like. I get this magazine every month. And even the KERA SHOP OSAKA is following me on twitter. I'm honored ♥ 

As you maybe know, I'm a fan of symbols and my absolute favourite is the star. I really in LOVE with star/constellation prints... or just sky themed. 
My Twinkle Star Bag by Loris.

Also, Im inspired by fabric. My favourite is chiffon. But I also like cotton and soft chemical fur. Do you see?
Taken in one of our local fabric stores

Last but not least, I also like other symbols, like hearts & crosses. Not to forget about is, that I'm inspired by colours. My favourite pink is coloured in my hair, and I like to mix pastel colours with black or white. 

You see, there aren't only models who are inspiring to me. I am who I am, and I don't want to copy anybody. I mix all together what I like and look if this is okay. My favourite prints are with stars, because the sky is deeper than everything around us. Far away like stars, are also dreams and if I can wear stars, there are my hope and love for the bitter life. 
I'm now maybe sound wired but it's like that. Lolita is a part of my life and my life doesn't change with wearing pretty dresses. I wear it because I like it, and no matter what somebody is saying about or to me. The important is to have fun with it and to wear what you feel. ♥

Let's take a look at the posts from the other cuties of the Lolita Blog Carnival:

Thank you for reading

6 Kommentare:

  1. Wow, I saw that same fabric in a local store and was so inspired by it as well (the one with the moon and clouds!)

    1. Me too, I've bought some and want to make be a cape and furry wristcuffs~

  2. I bought a similar one but with heart patterns to make a fluffy rug; it's so warm!

    1. Sounds wonderful *^* ♥ I hope I'll have some time to sew before the winter is over~

  3. I also find inspiration in the mooks, i think its the best place to keep up with the releases and the current looks. Although we don't necessarily copy them it does inspire us. I agree.

    1. Thank you, it's similar to my own opinion.. I also try to make unusually coords or something. Lolita is a passion to me, we should have fun with it like in creativity. Even the japanese are combining things together. I love the mooks so badly, because they are so full with everything♥
