Stern Curser (Pink)

Samstag, 25. August 2012

Summer Lolita Intoroduction

1, 2, 3... here we go~

Hello dear Bloggerworld, I'm LizJuice, a creative (loving) girl from Germany.
My live is full with creativity since... well I can't remember any day without it.
This is my very first blogentry, and I hope someone will like it or better: read it all XD

The summer 2012 is full with lolitastuff for me. As I was takeing a look trough my webstagram gallery, I've found lolitapics on every single site... well. I LOVE Lolita. Especially Sweet Lolita or OTT... and Punk Lolita! It's very great and compatible with a big part of my closet~ ... a pity that I've only one punky dress...

JSK: Spin Doctor Shoes: Demonia Headbow & Blouse: China

I'm really in love with this♥ And I think it suits me. Black is everytime a good chioce for me.

What should I say? I've got my very first AP dress. It's the Magic Whip OP
OP: Angelic Pretty Shoes: An*Tai*Na Socks: Angelic Pretty Headbow: Baby The Stars Shine Bright Jewelry: Accessorize, MeltyWish, Chocomint & Ribbonlicious

I've also worn my chocoberry by Bodyline... I think it was three times this summer...What? It's my most comfy one!
JSK & Bag: Bodyline Tights & Coincase: Primark Shoes: Secret Shop Headbow: Baby The Stars Shine Bright Jewelry: Melty Wish & Ribbonlicious

So here we go, my last coord was this. I've worn it last friday to a japanese culture meetup, where I was selling some stuff and made a little advertising.
JSK & Headbow: Baby The Stars Shine Bright Blouse: Bodyline Jewelry: MeltyWish & MARBLE

That's the best ones I could give to you. I know some photos are wired, but I still like my coords, that's it.
I've spend a lot of time with my dearest MeltyWish-LadyJuice♥  She is really me very best. Here on the left side.♥

I hope we'll se us annother one more♥

1 Kommentar:

  1. Habe dich nun followen können ^^ Wenn du auf meinen Blog gehst, siehst du google Friends connect an der rechten Leiste, diese ganzen kleinen Bildchen. Da unter steht anmelden. So müsstest du da dran kommen. GFC macht es deinen Lesern einfacher dich zu followen und du kannst Wenn du angemeldet bist auch ganz schnell Leute followen. einfach ( zB bei mir ;D) auf "Mitglied dieser Seite werden" klicken !
