Today I want to post about the last weekend. From Friday to Sunday were the NiCon convention in Hanover. Where I had a MeltyWish booth for the fourth time.
This time I was a V.I.P because I also made a little Lolita Workshop where I explained this style and some more. Thanks for join to everyone♥
Let's start with my Friday's coord:
Outfit Roundown:
Bolero: Metamorphose temps de fillé
JSK: Innocent World
Bag & Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Bodyline
Headbow: Ribbonlicious
Tea Parties: Secret Shop
Wig: My Costumes
Accessories: MeltyWish
To be honest, I'm pretty happy with this coord. I think Classic Lolita suits me well. But for some reason I don't really like this photo... it's so crappy ;;;____;;; I'm so sorry. But I was alone at the friday, and I can't took a better one.
Friday were surprisingly great *___* I was full of positive energy and had a good mood all over the day. The convention were even unusual full for a friday. Thanks to everyone♥
Saturday's coord:
Outfit Roundown:
Headbow, JSK, Wrist Cuffs & Socks:
Angelic Pretty
Blouse: Bodyline
Bag: Loris
Tea Parties: Secret Shop
Accessories: chocomint & MeltyWish
Wig: Lockshop
Yeah, I used the saturday to wear my Day Dream Carnival the first time. It's such a wonderful dress... and everybody was like: 'OMG you're looking so kawaii' ^__^ You made me really happy dearies♥
Thank you for any compliment~~~
My wonderful friends _MooDrops_ & LadyJuice helped me over saturday, a big THANK YOU for both of you♥
A photo with Moony and me♥
I met Julia, Ducky, Ruha & Reno that day♥ It was so great to meet you♥
Ruha made a wonderful photo of my booth:
And also one with me and LadyJuice:
So pretty girls ~
After we've closed my booth, we went to Oceancity to celebrate Moony's birthday~
After having a way too much food inside our tummy, we was on our way to my home and taking a foot bath to calm down for sleeping~
Sunday's Coord:
My Outfit:
Headbow: chocomint
OP, Socks & Wrist Cuffs: Angelic Pretty
Headaccessories: 6% Dokidoki, chocomint & Ribbonholic
Accessories: Angelic Pretty & MeltyWish
Tea Parties: An*Tai*Na
Wig: Lockshop
After getting up at 6.00am again, we made us ready for the last day. Sunday is always the easiest day, I felt very calm the whole time.
I wasn't sure wich dress I should wear and picked out my Sugar Pansy... I think it's a little strange that I'm always wearing it on sundays O__o I have no idea why.
I worn it because of the reason, that Moony told me saturday, that she wanted to wear her mint chocoberry JSK, and my Sugar Pansy is my only mint dress, so I tought we would matching well. The other reason is, that I have finally got the SP OTK's♥ They are so damn beautiful and very long! I never thought that I would get them brand new and unworn^__^
The only thing I need to complete my set is the headbow. So if you are selling the mint or lavender headbow, let me know^__~
On sunday, Moony took some photos of my booth:
She mostly got sharp photos by using the flash, I hope that's okay for you.
At sunday was also one workshop. But sadly, at the beginn, I had technical problems with the beamer coonection ;__; I was so nervous, but a nice helper brought annother cable. In the end, I was even faster as saturday and got applous from everyone who joined ♥ You made me so HAPPY♥♥♥
In the end of the sunday, we met a super pretty lolita girl. Her name is Judith. She visited the NiCon with her friend, A girl what's in a cosplay of Hatsune Miku, she made this pretty photo♥
Judith newly moved to Hanover, what makes me pretty happy. She's such a wonderful girl. I hope we can meet us soon.^__^
Okay, we're coming to the end, so here I are the things I bought:
-Akuma To Lovesong 10
- Adekan 6
- Black Bird 17
Yeah, I'm really picky with manga's but these are three I really love to read, especially Adekan. It's the very best manga, I ever saw. Tukiji Nao is brilliant.
Two cute plushie charms♥
Just a little kawaii & useful note pad~
Julia gave me a big milk chocolate bar as an excuse, because she can't help me over the weekend. I told her that she doesn't need to give me something, but she does.
Thank you Julia, it's really tasty chocolate *__*♥
Please don't feel sorry anymore. I still love you cutie, it wasn't a problem~
Moony and I ordered with Lockshop and she gave me my item.
As you maybe know, I really like to wear headbands atm. and well, I liked Lockshop's spike x rose headbands a lot. Sadly, the black & white ones are sold out. So I took the pink one. ^__^
The plastic roses aren't as pretty as I have expected, but I like it anyway.♥
That's it~ I hope you liked to read this long entry.
See you soon♥
Day by day, I will update my MeltyWish FB shop page with new items, if you wasn't able to visit the booth at the NiCon, please take a look~